Entrenched Professional Cronyism in Probate Courts, A Key Factor in Elder Abuse & Exploitation.
The same Judge has biased council from aligned self-serving professionals, all whom have mutual interests to keep the cash-cow victim and their property under their authority in Guardianships and/or Conservatorships. This is a substantial and illicit conflict-of-interest—opposite of the Wards best interest. When those acting as officers for the court; lawyers, guardian ad litems, social workers/court visitors, evaluating clinicians & physicians work in-concert to conceal documents, evidence of abuse, exploitation & negligence — this essentially sabotages the machinery of justice; due process, amounts to perjury and each by definition, is a type of fraud upon the court.
OC Register: Money-draining probate system ‘like a plague on our senior citizens’
“…. often there is a little buddy-buddy system going on, sometimes a judge has friends who are attorneys,” said Thomas Coleman, a Palm Springs lawyer who specializes in representing the disabled.
Criminal ageism, sexism and “disabilism” rackets run through the county courts.
The municipal court’s crony-aligned network of professionals all receiving hundreds of dollars in hourly fees from the same vulnerable person’s estate (most often disabled elderly women).
BuzzFeed Article excerpt: In local courts across the country — often woefully unfit for the sweeping power they command — guardians, lawyers, and expert witnesses appear frequently before the same judges in an established network of overlapping financial and professional interests. They are often paid from the estate of the person whose freedom is on the line, creating powerful incentives to form guardianships and keep them in place.
“The judge knows the lawyers, the lawyers know each other,” said J. Ronald Denman, a former state prosecutor and Florida lawyer who has contested dozens of guardianships over the past decade. “The amount of abuse is crazy. You’re going against a rigged system.”
Seattle Times: Secrecy hides cozy ties in guardianship cases